SO, Peter Capaldi has pulled the pin and left the door ajar for Jodie Whittaker to drive the TARDIS, so lets go through his final season, READY...engage (whoops wrong show, sorry)
Bill, after much confab with The Doctor, signs on as the latest companion, she also found a girl she fancied a bit as well, trouble is some aliens found the same girl and commandeered her for future use ...cant end like that can it ?, Bill also saw her first Dalek .
Robots that speak emoji and a colony ship that looks somewhat familiar to a ship the 4th Doctor visited, the city used the set up team for mulch and then gained sentient thought, sounds like conversation will be required
SO, the doctor takes Bill to an Ice Fair sometime late in 1814 and a giant haddock is being held captive by a complete arsehat, wasnt my fave episode, but at least the jack off got wiped out...Nardol then roused on the Doctor for neglecting his vault gaurding duites
Bill and her mates got a student house, and walked straight into the eternal story of the love of a mother and son, except the son was turning back-packers into tucker so the Drydens would keep his living statue of a mother able to continue on, you could see his dilemma, but still.
Sometime in the future, somewhere in space an order to deactivate organic components is given , this means your space suit turns you into a zombie, The Doctor saves Bill and some of the crew BUT gets blinded which he doesnt tell anyone till their back at the uni
Next came my least favourite Capaldi episodes, they just did nothing for me ,but thats just me I guess
Starts out with Missy about to be executed, but Doctor intervenes and promises to guard her for a 1000 years instead, anyway, the Pope askes the Doctor to translate Veritas, which has made any one else who tried to commit hari kiri, the gang goes to the white house were Nardol realises that the whole world is actually a gigantic holographic projection, after much tooing and froing the holographic Doctor sends a message to the real Doctor that troubles coming
a Pyramid shows up on the strategic border between Russia, China and the US armies, the monks from the previous episode reckon they can save the world from a worldwide disaster , if the humans allow them the UN Secretary General say righto, buit the monks realise his yanking their chain and wipe him out , while the doctor and Nardol are at a lab were the alledged disaster will occur but being blind make it a tad hard for him to stop it , while his away, Bill makes a deal with the Monks which hands the planet over to the monks
the Monks rule the planet and to everyone on Earth, they have been here forever, But Bill, Nardol and a few others know the truth, they find the doctor and it looks like is working with the Monks, Bill shoots him and it looked like a regenration was gonna occur, but Doc pulled it up short, and tells them it was a test of the Monks influence over Bill, they bust into the Monks pyramid in London, Doctor tries to break the link but cant , Bill tried and images of her mother started appearing which shatters the hold the monks have over humanity ...Back in the vault Missy begins to express remorse over the many murders she has committed.
NOW this is a Who episode in the style I prefer , got the lot, Martian Ice Warriors, their Empress and a bunch of 19th century british soldiers living on Mars, hey hey how goods that, the soldiers had befreinded a Ice warrior(Friday) after his ship crashed and he took them back to mars to mine for riches as a reward, they dig up Empress Iraxxa ( and yes that is the voice of the Queen of the Arachnos) and as she goes to destry them, Friday tells her Mars is unlivable, after much toodo, Doctor contacts Alpha Centauri who agree to assist the Martians ..Nardol shows up with the TARDIS with Missy . who appears concerned
After and argument between Bill and the Doctor over what happened to the NInth Legion of the Roman Army, they travel to Scotland in the 2nd century to settle said argument, theyb get seperated , BIll ends up with roman soldiers of varying sexual preference abd the Doctor and Nardol end up with a tribe of pits, both groups are having trouble with the same Light eaters , the doctor was going to sacrifice himself to keep the monster trapped BUIT the roman and the celts took it upon themselves to fight the beast ....problem solved
The Doctor tests Missy by answering a distress call , they end up on a colony ship stuck at the edge of a black hole, its engines slammed into reverse, an alien named Jorj fatallly shoots Bill, BUT a team of ...things...arrive and take bill away to "fix" her , Doctor and Missy realise that their is a time dilation in effect and the crew from the ship who travelled down to the engines to put them in reverse have actually been gone for generations and not 20 minutes like the blue guy said....Bill wakes up in a hospital with a shiny new robotic heart and makes friends with a caretaker called Razor, and over the years they watch the Doctor on a monitor , then Bill is tricked into the operating room, as this happens the Doctor and Missy realise that this is a Mondrasian colony ship , Bill get a full cyberman conversion and Razor reveals himself to Missy to be Prime Minister Saxon , or the Master if you like ....interesting.
The Doctor and nardol take bill who isnt quite the cyberman everyone expected , and some colonists up through some floors to escape the rapidly progressing Cybermen, working with Missy and her previous incarnation has to be a bit weird BUT The Doctor does it and Nardol helps the colonists by souping up their shotguns to the point where they can take out a cyberman withe one shot, the doctor tells nardol to head up to other floors , Bill decides to stay with the Doctor and fight the Cybermen, Missy turns on the Master and stabs him in the back (irony much) this begins his regenration into her , he then shoots her to the point she dies and cant regenrate.....The Doctor is severely wounded fighting the cybermen and kills himself blowing up the floor, Bill survives and Heather (the Pilot) shows up and kisses bill this turns her into the same species as Heather , they take the doctor to the tardis and before Heather and Bill head off to explore , BIll kisses the doctor which kickstarts a regenration ...The Doctor fights the regeneration of and ends up stumbling out of the Tardis in a snowy landscape , where he meets up with the very First incarnation of The Doctor...xmas is gonna be interesting
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