Time to yell EUREKA or at least blogaroo about one of the greatest shows ever to end up in my dvd rack
Eureka was a yank science fiction television series that premiered on Syfy on July 18, 2006. The fifth and final season ended on July 16, 2012.
The show was set in a fictional town of Eureka, Oregon (although, in the pilot episode, Eureka was located in Washington State ). Inhabited almost entirely by scientific geniuses, most residents of Eureka work for Global Dynamics – an advanced research facility responsible for the development of nearly all major technological breakthroughs since its inception. Each episode featured a mysterious accidental or intentional misuse of technology, which the town sheriff, Jack Carter, solved with the help of town scientists.
The series was created by Andrew Cosby and Jaime Paglia
Jack Carter was a U.S. Marshal , and after getting stuck in the townand solving a weird case he was assigned the Sheriff of Eureka position
Jack is a street-smart cop who sees connections where others do not. His I.Q. is 111, 46 points lower than that of his daughter Zoe. In typical Carter fashion, he boasted over "scoring over one hundred percent" to others, not understanding that places him in the slightly above-average ,
Allison Carter (née Blake) was a Department of Defense agent working as a government liaison between Eureka and the Pentagon. In the episode "Invincible", it was revealed that she was once a medical doctor and has 2 PhDs (Season 3, Episode 3 Best in Faux ). She oversees the main laboratories of Eureka, and is always present when anything goes wrong. She always has some sort of trouble to bring to Jack Carter, be it professional or otherwise. Since she is responsible for reporting on the progress of Eureka's citizens, as well as their temperamental innovations, she is always at the forefront of any dilemma that might arise. She was Director of Operations for Global Dynamics after Nathan Stark.
Josefina "Jo" Lupo is a former United States Special Forces Soldier.
Jo worked as a Deputy Sheriff in Eureka under Sheriff Cobb and Sheriff Carter but temporarily resigned when Sheriff Andy, the android, was appointed sheriff. During her time as deputy, she always had a weapon with her, and went armed even in situations where weaponry is unnecessary. She also traveled almost everywhere in body armor.
After a space-time bridge sent her and four other people to 1947, they returned to the present to find many things had changed. Amongst the changes was that Lupo had taken a job as the head of security for Global Dynamics.
She has a love of weapons, and has a varied and powerful collection stored in the station, including several handguns, shotguns, sniper rifles, and assault rifles.
Usually referred to as simply "Fargo", occasionally "Doctor Fargo" and "Doug" to Claudia Donovan — is a resident of Eureka, an employee of Global Dynamics, the research facility in Eureka. Fargo often acts as an assistant to Doctor Nathan Stark, the director of Global Dynamics. Fargo has been connected to several separate development projects, including SARAH (Self Actuated Residential Automated Habitat) and the "Neural Interface System".
In the new timeline, Fargo finds himself to be the director of Global Dynamics. His other self seemed to be a much meaner and power hungry person, as he would be raised differently since it was hinted that Pierre Fargo was never put into cryostasis and because of that the Fargos were a much more powerful family and a line of them had been the director of Global Dynamics
Henry Deacon is a master of all trades, who appears at the beginning to be a jack himself. He is not a scientist nor he is of any official capacity for the Company. Despite this, he is highly educated in the inner workings of the company. He acts more or less as a caretaker of the entire town.....Besides being a physicist and the auto mechanic of Eureka, Henry is also the town coroner and was elected mayor by write-in ballots.
In his return to the future after the events in Founder's Day, he found himself married to Grace Deacon, a woman he previously only know in passing. Though there is tension in the relationship, as Henry doesn't reveal what happened to him at first, he eventually falls in love with her. With the help of Douglas Fargo, he takes her out on a date that he didn't previously, and wins her over, and they were later remarried.
Vincent is the owner and chef of the Café Diem, a small café on the Eureka main street.
Vincent is a gourmet cook and, as revealed in the episode "You Don't Know Jack", has a Ph.D in molecular gastronomy. He frequently prepares extraordinary (often themed) menus for his customers and is often irritated if one of them (most often Jack Carter) asks for ketchup with their exotic meal. Despite endless setbacks, Vincent never gives up on his endeavor to educate and refine the Sheriff's palate.
Zoe Carter
She is intelligent, attractive, independent, popular , She arrived back in Eureka and moved in with her father — a move which surprised him, but which he did not block, knowing it would do no good, and would only cause her to become even more rebellious.
She has a B- average from Tesla but that means an A++ anywhere else. She received early acceptance to Harvard after a letter of recommendation from Henry. At the end of season 3, she and Lucas go off to Massachusetts to begin their college education at Harvard and MIT, respectively. In the series finale, Jack states that Zoe is set to graduate summa cum laude.
In, the new timeline, it is revealed that Lucas and Zoe have broken up, and Zoe has dyed her hair brown and cut it to her chin. She and her father try to catch an invisible cat by luring it into the shower. She then changes her hair back to blonde, but it is now curly. She returns home college over Christmas and lets Jenna open one present. Kevin and Zoe later discovered that the book Jenna had was controlling the world outside the SmartHouse. They later turn everyone back to normal. Zoe then comes back in the season 5 finale and helped protest with Fargo to save Eureka. She is later seen with her family in the end.
Zane Donovan - Niall Matter
He's been in trouble with the law prior to his life in Eureka (allegedly crashed the New York Stock Exchange and many counts of identity fraud.
Though a bit of a trouble maker, he is actually incredibly intelligent, having been accepted to MIT at 13, (only to be kicked out), Yale, Columbia, and other top schools, all around the age of 15.
Zane's role in the series increases to a major character by Seasons 3 as his relationship with Jo Lupo progresses as well as with the arrival of Eva Thorne , when she takes a liking to his scientific style and makes him the director of the Consumer Lab, where his goal is to utilize projects in Eureka as products to be sold to the masses. Eva also turned to him in many of her mysterious investigations around Eureka. He also becomes more friendly and relaxed around Carter, Allison Blake, and Co., a drastic change from his original behavior.
Nathan Stark - Ed Quinn
Nathan Stark is a Nobel prize-winning mathematician, Global Dynamics' head researcher (at certain times), and Allison Blake's estranged husband. Nathan has a very guarded personality, and runs the Eureka installation in an occasionally "tight-fisted" manner. He usually expresses his emotions through actions rather than words, and shows a lot of sarcasm towards Sheriff Carter. He also commands the installation's tactical units
Nathan's desires to push the boundaries of science eventually start to infringe on his conscience. it was revealed Nathan was at some point Henry Deacon's student. Henry says that he could have "Furthered science, in so many ways."
Stark helps Jack repair a hole in the Space Time Continuum which required him to manually adjust a nuclear clock to repair space time....Though the clock was activated and the continuum repaired, Stark appeared to be demolecularized and thus killed. His last words, to Jack, were "Take care of Allison, she'll need you. See you around Jack." He left a message for Allison in the logic diamond he use for the wedding gift the message was "Allie, I will always love you and I will never, ever leave you again."

Global Dynamics is described as being responsible for the development of all major technological breakthroughs in the last 50 years, with the products of its research having been used in both commercial and military applications. Security is understandably tight at the facility; Allison Blake describes the cloaking forcefields and other safeguards as being so cutting-edge that "Area 51 wishes they had our security." Global Maintains an EM field around its perimeter 24/7. The EM field is so no one can hack into the main server. The only entrance seen so far is down a path which leads to a rickety old bridge. Once you drive onto the bridge you pass through some holographic barrier onto a road leading up to global. It is assumed that there are more entrances that have not been shown yet.
The facility is broken into several departments, or "sections." Known sections include:
Section 2: Quantum Frequency Project (Phased and Confused)
Section 3: Records, and Primate Studies (Unpredictable)
Level 4: Fargo's first office (Dr Nobel), EM barrier control room
Section 5: Military Technology
Section 7: Air defense (Bad to the Drone)
Section 8: Technology that could allow travel between parallel worlds (Games People Play)
Section 14: Nuclear Testing (Try, Try Again)
Lab 27 : Biosphere
Bottom Floor: Non-realiatic fusion reactor (setup and ability to overheat are more conceivable with a fission reactor)
On top of the complex is an astrospectrometer, which takes pictures of celestial objects. There has to be an enormous flash from the camera to penetrate the EM field. Upon entrance through the main doors into the lobby, Allison Blake's office (formerly Stark's) is immediately visible as well as a highly secure elevator system leading to section 5. Though section 5 is the most secure section at Global, it is widely known of and even Sheriff Jack Carter has gone down there. Non-classified prototypes are stored in the vault, a giant cylinder in section 3 with shelves and cat walks lining the walls. Though the vault itself is highly secure, the objects are not and just sit arranged on shelves, even though unclassified items are potentially dangerous.
Global Dynamics is the dominant employer in Eureka, almost to the point of monopoly, and hence Eureka is effectively a company town. So pervasive is Global Dynamics' influence over Eureka that most in the town just call it "Global" or "GD" in conversation. The abbreviation "GD" is also often used as a substitute for the curse "God Damned".
Jacks Jeep is a 1994 Jeep Cherokee Sport. It has been destroyed, or otherwise rendered useless on a frequent basis, to the point where Henry Deacon has gotten sick of fixing it
It has ...
1. Crashed into a particle beam weapon (Dr. Nobel)
2. Been hit by a piece of space debris (Duck, Duck Goose)
3. Had its windshield smashed by a golf-club (Maneater)
4. Had its windows blown out by Martha's sonic blast (Bad to the Drone)
5. Had its engine block shot through by a Global Dynamics laser sentry turret. (Phased and Confused)
6. Had its roof scorched by Captain Eureka's rocket-boots (Phased and Confused)
7. Been set aflame when Captain Eureka was attempting to put out a fire (Phased and Confused)
8. Had its tires melted off (Here Come the Suns)
9. Been crushed by runaway gravity-wells (Welcome Back, Carter)
10. Been shot by Tiny's laser (A New World )
11. Been smashed by Tiny (Momstrosity)
12. Been shaken apart by an acoustic oscillator (The Ex-Files)
13. Been hit by a flying car (I'll Be Seeing You)
14. Crashed through an invisible building (I'll Be Seeing You)
15. Floated off into space (Up in the Air)
16. Melted (One Small Step...)
17. Been sucked up into a black hole, then dropped into Lake Archimedes (One Giant Leap...)
18. Blown up by giant Martha (Lost )
19. Sucked underground (Worst Case Scenario )
20. Crashed through a police barricade (Double Take )
21. Been sucked through a wormhole into the Global Dynamics rotunda, then dismantled by GD employees (Just Another Day... )

Self Actuated Residential Automated Habitat ("S.A.R.A.H.")
To act as an artificially intelligent "home of the future." SARAH also provides numerous services for her residents and guests, from opening and closing the sealed door, to controlling internal temperature, and even providing a variety of drinks. The house has a laser defense system, various airtight partitions, and a filtered air intake. It can also analyze airborne materials. SARAH is powered by a radioisotope thermoelectric generator.
SARAH's personality has seemingly become emotionally attached to Jack Carter, sometimes resulting in rather odd behavior.
SARAH also has severe abandonment issues, Her abandonment issues stem from the fact that B.R.A.D (The AI SARAH was built on top of) and the AIs before her were all scrapped/shelved, so SARAH has a terrible fear that she to will be shelved if she does anything wrong. This caused her to trap Carter along with several other townspeople in "H.O.U.S.E. Rules," when Carter said he might leave. This eventually led to BRAD coming back online, who took a more aggressive approach to the situation before being stopped. BRAD was disarmed, and the episode ended with Carter promising SARAH he would not leave her. In "Welcome Back, Carter," SARAH was once again faced with the prospect of being shelved, only she took a more indirect, even cunning, method to solve the problem. SARAH reasoned that nobody could replace Carter, and knowing he couldn't resist a challenge, she manipulated a scientist into creating a gravity well to cause non-lethal gravity disturbances, and also to attack the replacement AI. After Carter found out, she helped stop the problem, and Carter got reinstated thanks to the android sheriff's help.
When SARAH was first activated, she was a bit naive when it came to humans and human interactions, viewing everything in a glass half full kind of way which often caused a few problems. She also had a few neurotic tendencies stemming from her base program and, as a result, could become rather moody if things she didn't like happened. For example, she locked Carter out of the house when he forgot to call to say he would be late.
, SARAH's "emotions" get the best of her again. In "Momstrosity" SARAH goes as far as installing artificial emotions in Deputy Andy, because she wants some artificial romance. Andy and SARAH were engaged to marry, but she got "cold feet" on the day of the wedding
In the alternate timeline, Sarah had terminated Andy at least twice before the emotion incident.

and the final scene ...Jack and Zoe exiting town than passing themselves heading into town on thewir first day in Eureka...dont you just love temporal paradoxes
So thats that...
Seeya next time