May 18, 2017

How good are GIANT comics

Remember when you went to the local shop or news agents and picked up your weekly supply of super hero goodness for 20s ?...NO, fark moi Im old....anyway, I absolutely dug those black and white comics , and I had a mountain of em  Superman, Batman, Worlds Finest , Strange Adventures, Legion of Super heroes, Horror comics , The Phantom,  Justice League etc etc so on and so forth ...

then for some reason , probably fiscal, they more than halved the issue size and colored in the pages , I sort of wore it for a while, I still had Phantom and then 2000 AD but then the prices skyrocketed and that was me done, I couldnt see the point of paying much more for much less....So fast forward to the mid 2000's and Im on holiday in Melbourne and discover Minotaur Books 

I was almost apopleptic ( what a great word)  they had all my childhood favourites in giant size versions in the original black & white , sure they cost a bit BUT they averaged out at 510 pages a book...

so I was stoked and have since amassed quite a few of the marvellous things .
Mind you I have regularly bought Phantom annuals and Judge Dredd did mega collections in the late 80s...

BUT my personal faves have always been DC ...dunno why, blame Kal-el ;)

Mind you l did buy the "IMPORTANT" books ( the Death of Superman, Rise of the Supermen and All Starr Superman" , I see a theme forming) 

And they all do them , I got Marvel Essentials, DC Showcase and Dredd Case Files if you miss your black and white favourites and for some reason you never heard of these things , its been my absolute pleasure to enlighten you 

Seeya next time 

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