Jun 10, 2013



I will state here and now, It took me till 2013 to appreciate DS9, I first watched it back when Ch9 showed the first season..did nothing for me at all, I mean the Federation had took control of a floating shopping centre that was stripped to the ballards by the Cardassians as they left, yes, they had the wormhole leading to the gamma quadrant, which was a crook find in hindsight.  Hell, the show only really got me hooked when the Dominion war started ...it grew on me after that...mind you there was a coupe of crew I coulda done without...and on that note...my thoughts on the crew thereof.

CAPTAIN SISKO:...from Star fleet Commander to releigious icon in one easy transfer...not a big fan of the religious undertones with the Bajorans...but what can you do

MAJOR/COLONEL KIRA: ..Terrorist to # 1 ..talk about a career change, I like Kira once she stopped being so friggin grumpy all the time anyway...PTSD I guess..carried a little Obrien for a while, that was nice of her

ODO: DS9's mall cop..its true, he was a security guard at a friggin shopping centre , think about it!...having said that he is one of the more interesting characters in Star Trek history

JADZIA DAX: DS('s resident trill...and on her 7th  lifetime no less, must of been weird for Sisko when one of his best friends showed up a s a young attractive Ltn...HEADSPIN!

JAKE SISKO: hmmm...about the only time I got into Jake was when he spent 80 years looking for his dad...didnt hate, just wasnt one of my favourites.

QUARK, ROM AND NOG: AHHH...the color of the space station, you gotta love Quark,a scheming little troll at the peak of his powers...with a heart of gold, his brother Rom was a genius who could of joined Starfleet as a engineer quite easily and Nog did join Starfleet...Nog ended up a captain in one of the time travel episodes, could happen, you never know.

DR JULIAN BASHIR: hmm...first 3 years he done nothing for me, he slowly has go on my side during season 4...still, he could quite easily end up in the same shit box as Pulaski

MILES O'BRIEN: Got sent to DS9 and was in an engineers heaven ..the prior owners trashed the joint, he was having a hoot...coulda done without his wife and kid, or maybe not, I dunno

Absolute favorite episodes:(thus far)...

FACETS: when all of Dax's past hosts pop in for a visit

SECOND SKIN: when Kira is led to believe she is a member of the Obsidian 

LITTLE GREEN MEN:,,so thats what happened in Roswell huh...thought as much

TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONS: I found it most interesting when Worf explained away the Klingons with no head ridges on the space station back in Kirks era

VISITOR: a tale of old age and warp core malfunctions


 The fourth and probably the best version of Trek, for me anyway, When I saw the first episode of Voyager, about 147 bad woman driver joke's I knew, came rushing into my head...I mean to say whats the odds , you give her the keys to a new starship and first trip around the quadrant she got lost ...probably a bit harsh, seeing as how she wasnt technically driving the thing....Voyager has a great premise for a trek show, its sorta like LOST but its better cause its got a warp core and phasers and stuff, so that makes it a zillion times better in  my books.

CAPTAIN JANEAWAY: One of the top 3 Captains in Fleet history for mine, done a helluva good job keeping the ship pointed in the general direction of home, then she made Admiral and got the ship home

CHAKOTAY: An American Indian not born on earth quits Starfleet, joined a resistance group and ended up First Officer on a Starship...I dont have a punchline, BUT he done a great job as Voyagers # 1, his on par with Riker but I think Harry Kilm got the chick magent job for Voyager..I have wondered how he would of went as Captain if the permanent job ever came up.

THE DOCTOR: Another fine example of a highly motivated Starfleet officer with no DNA, I can see where some people called him Voyagers version of Data, but I reckon the Doc was slightly further along in the human stakes than everyones favourite android...I do have one question though..with all those computer databases, either in him, or at his "fingertips" all he could come up with was Joe and that took him 17 years?..weird.

B'LANNA TORRES -PARIS: Half terran, half Klingon all engineer, once again a sterling mechanic on a starship, and the only other person on record of getting married on a vessel with the potential to become a generational ship....had a baby in a borg sphere whilst zooming towards earth..only B'lanna..Right?

TOM PARIS: Voyagers head pilot, resident 1940's super hero and hologrpahic novelist with a sideline in building super shuttles ...Tom had himself some adventures on Voyager, thats for sure BUT nothing would of come close to consecrating his marriage with a half Klingon methinks.

HARRY KIM: Voyager's newly minted Ensign and resident mummys boy (of sorts) this was his first deep space mission ...how pinged off was he do you think, when he woke up 75,000 light years from home ...Harry got himself in more shit than a plumber with a broken pipe, whilst on Voyager BUT he never doubted he was getting home one day.

TUVOK:  Voyagers head of security and chief torpedo firer...was working undercover when the Maquis ship he was on got sent to the Delta quadrant...imagine his relief when his ride home showed up as well...giving the fact he was Vulcan, he probably woulda made Captain one day, cause they live for yonks.

NEELIX: Voyagers head Talaxian, chief cook and Vulcans annoyer...was clearly trying to fry peoples retinas with some of the clobber he used to wear, though he was the last Talaxian left but found a settlement of his people on an asteroid and even married one of them...probably a good thing, I cant imagine what havoc he would of caused in San Franciso.

KES: Neelix's girlfriend and an Ocampan, which means she only lived till she was nine but looked 75, you do the ratio math, I cant...almost destroyed Voyager and also gave it a 10, 000 light year nudge .

SEVEN of NINE: Janeaways attempt at reclaiming a Borg victim and what a top job she did, Seven is a genius, a supermodel and in dire need of a sense of humour...helped some other Borg along the way get their indivduality back.


RELATIVITY:..absolutely guaranted to give Temporal investigations an ulcer

SHATTERED: I do enjoy a good temporal adventure and this was one of the best

LIVING WITNESS: The Doc wakes up 800 years from the time he knew accused of being a war criminal...interesting

BLINK OF AN EYE: Voyager get stuck in the orbit of planet spinning faster than the human eye can see and becomes part of the planet mythos

DRONE:  a bit of the doc gives a future borg a kickstart..turned out a nce bloke...pity he couldnt hang around.

DISTANT ORIGIN : I knew a majority of the dinosaurs left the planet, I just knew it

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